ChatGPT for Education, ChatGPT and Education

ChatGPT for Education- Learning has undergone a revolution. The term “artificial intelligence” (AI) is now all the rage around the globe. In this article, we discuss the uses of AI tools like ChatGPT in education. As well as their potential benefits and drawbacks. How you can come across them in the course of your studies.

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is known as ChatGPT. (which stands for “Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer”) It was made available for public use by OpenAI in November 2022. Enthusiasm quickly spread throughout both traditional and social media. But not everyone welcomed its publication; in fact, the New South Wales Department of Education. A number of other districts moved quickly to prohibit its usage in their schools when it was announced.

What exactly does this imply with regard to the use of ChatGPT and other AI technologies inside the academic setting? We explain what ChatGPT is, its limits, and how the university plans to utilize it. In conjunction with other AI technologies while still preserving the academic honesty of its students and faculty.

What exactly is the ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is able to create text that sounds authentically human and participate in real conversations with users. It now produces its replies based on a massive language model. That has been trained on enormous quantities of material taken. From books and the internet (you can find out how these function by watching the educational video provided by Educational Innovation). It works in a similar way to autocomplete in that it forecasts. The future words in response are based on the previous ones by using the likelihood of words occurring. In other words that it learnt during its training. Autocomplete works in the same way.

For instance, if you ask ChatGPT about measures to prevent the transmission of airborne infections. It will instantly react with paragraphs of text that it develops just for you. These paragraphs will make reference to things like masks, cleanliness, and ventilation. It accomplishes this not because it comprehends your inquiry, but rather because it has acquired the knowledge. That certain phrases, such as “mask,” “cleaning,” and “indoor places,” are likely to come together. Following other terms, such as “limit the spread” and “airborne disease.”

You may test out ChatGPT without spending any money right now. Nevertheless, in order to use it, you will need to register for an account, consent to the company’s privacy policies, and recognize that the AI will learn from the data you provide.

What are the restrictions imposed by ChatGPT? ChatGPT for Education

While at first glance the information produced by ChatGPT seems to be remarkable, a closer look reveals that not all comments are either well phrased or even accurate. If you ask ChatGPT questions that are very conceptual or pose computations that are tough or sophisticated, this becomes immediately clear.

On the Frequently Asked Questions page for ChatGPT, OpenAI acknowledges that the tool’s “outputs may at times be erroneous, untruthful, and otherwise deceptive.”

It is vital to keep in mind that the material that ChatGPT creates represents the prejudices, beliefs, and viewpoints of the people who impacted the text that it was trained on. These may or may not fit with your own values, therefore it is important to keep this in mind.

In the classroom we use ChatGPT.

You will witness an increased usage of AI technology and tools in your studies and exams as those technologies and products continue to develop. Do not anticipate any significant changes in the way we work, learn, or study in the near future brought on by artificial intelligence (AI), even if this will ultimately be the case. For the time being, you may anticipate that, as part of your present studies, you will be experimenting with, as well as discussing and critiquing, AI’s outputs.

You should approach artificial intelligence (AI) tools with skepticism, acknowledging their limits in an honest and genuine way, just as you would any other resource that you utilize in your research and evaluations.

In accordance with the criteria for academic honesty that we have established, you are not permitted to utilize ChatGPT or any other writing tools during an evaluation unless doing so is expressly permitted. Failing to acknowledge the usage of AI technologies in your studies might leave you exposed to allegations of cheating. If you are authorized to utilize these tools in your study, you must indicate you have done so.

You may anticipate hearing more about how the University, your lecturers, and your supervisors are addressing the potential problems that AI presents to higher education from all of these sources in the near future.

ChatGPT to maintain academic integrity?

We’re continually trying to maintain academic integrity and the value of your degree while helping to equip you to be ethical leaders in the future when these technologies present new and exciting opportunities.

As usual, if you are confused about whether or how to utilize a resource, contact your instructor, supervisor, or tutor for help.

The following are some suggestions for preserving and developing students’ capacities for critical thinking while also making use of various AI technologies that are already available.


Zeynep Tufekci, a New York Times opinion writer and associate professor at the University of North Carolina, says that as tools like ChatGPT are training themselves on everything posted on the internet, there’s a reasonably decent likelihood that there will be mistakes in what is being produced. She highlights the possibility of being exposed to “a high-quality intellectual snow job.”

Nonetheless, there is the potential for a positive outcome. Students in a social studies class may write a prompt on a subject they’ve been thinking about, and then they can investigate the machine’s answer to their question in forensic detail. This may include a sentence-by-sentence examination of what the AI has written. Students may strengthen their accurate grasp of the issue by looking for any inconsistencies or outright errors in the information they have been given.


As a version of the above, students develop prompts across a number of connected subjects, then review them searching for patterns of inaccuracy. Since that ChatGPT and other tools of its ilk are trained on what already exists, minority writing and voices will inevitably become even more marginalized as a result of the iterative processes that are intrinsic to AI technologies.

How can we best encourage our students not merely to notice these blind spots but also to embrace a larger plurality of ideas in their scholarly work?


John Warner, a blogger for Inside Higher Ed and the author of Why They Can’t Write: Killing the Five-Paragraph Essay and Other Necessities, reminds us that these tools are merely rearranging words and do not apply feeling, heart, or any other emotional components; as a consequence, the products lack vitality. In the context of teaching language arts, we can refer to such a piece of writing as having a “voice” that is lacking in strength.

Provide two or three examples of human writing from the most recent year or two. Then throw in an example from ChatGPT. Next, as a fun activity, have the students analyze what it is about these examples. That make them human, or what makes them obviously not human. Students will be able to study hints such as nuance, emotion, and maybe even fallibility as part of this unit.

The following are some writing jobs that will render the use of AI technologies unnecessary, if not completely detrimental.


At the English department, where I work. My colleague Joy Xu assigns her students the task of conducting an interview. With another person and relating the experiences of that person to a piece of literature. To begin, the mix of narrative and expository writing gives students multiple entrance points to explore in their written work.

Second, this synthesis guarantees that no machine prompt will ever be able to provide language to convey newly acquired knowledge.


Students should be required “to compare and contrast a pair of literary masterpieces. (assuming that the comparison is not a time-worn one),”. According to Peter Greene, a senior writer for Forbes magazine. A high school English teacher who has spent almost four decades in the profession.

The students will write original essays that reflect what they’ve learned. The significance they’ve gleaned from it, and the connections they’ve created. Furthermore, due to the fact that these AI tools are trained on content. That is available on the internet, the less common the narrative, the less common the computer-generated analysis will be.


This concept, is derived in a roundabout way from another notion made by Peter Greene. Examines a crucial aspect of what he refers to as “genuine writing” class discussions. He suggests that the conversation “become one of the texts that are being studied.”

Students pay more attention to what is being said in class. It would probably be one of the more favorable outcomes. That may come about as a consequence of considering this approach. Do you think it’s possible that they would possibly take notes?

Although we instructors feel that student writing reflects the students’ thinking. Beth McMurtrie of The Chronicle of Higher Education reports that students often produce writing. That they regard to be nothing more than “an assemblage of words echoed back to the teacher.” We want our pupils to think and their thinking to continue to improve over time.

In her article of opinion writing, Tufekci brings to our attention the fact that the process of writing essays. Teaches students how to do research, evaluate claims, and integrate information. Convey this knowledge in a cohesive and convincing manner. She goes on to say that “because of breakthroughs in AI. Such talents will become even more relevant in the future.

Let’s not hide our heads in the sand, but rather let’s prepare our pupils. For the world as it is right now as well as the world as it may become in the future.

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